Saturday, 20 January 2018


Not really home anymore.

5 minutes prior to this, my sisters made plans to have dinner together. Without me. Even though I was in the very same room, close enough to hear every word being said.
I thought I was done with this feeling of being left out. I've been left out of so many things, so many times, I thought I'd be used to this. But I guess I didn't cos I expected more from my sisters. Of all people, even family disappoints. I've been so heavily disappointed by people I thought were friends all my life, but now even my sisters don't want me to go along.
Even if they do ask, I'm an afterthought. It's like a oh, you're free too? But if it's supposed to be 3 of us, and one of them can't make it, the whole plan is cancelled. I guess I'm not interesting enough to warrant spending time over a meal with. Maybe there really is something wrong with me.

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