Friday, 28 July 2017


Life is unpredictable. We will never know when is that moment that we die. Some people get a glimpse of it, some don't. And most of us, don't like to pursue this train of thought about our death. Think about it. I challenge you. Confront the reality that someday, you will die. That you have no clue when. It might be today, next week, or maybe next month. You won't know. You may not have the peaceful death, lying in your bed surrounded by your loved ones that you wish for. Who knows, you might die while walking across the road, getting knocked down by a car.
It's scary to think about death sometimes. For me, it's not so much how I will die that scares me. Rather, it's what happens after I die that worries me. After this life is over, what meaning will this life have to the people left behind? It sounds strange now that I'm saying it, but I realize that when I die, I want to be immortalized in the memory of people. I want this life to have some meaning. I want to have made a difference. But the truth is, I don't know if it will. Maybe my family and friends will mourn for me, but then what? Soon enough, they will reach the termination of their lives too. Within a generation or two, any memory of me will likely be wiped away from the surface of this earth.
Then what is this for? What is all of this for? I used to say that I believed that we created the meaning of our lives. That we decided our own purposes and lived to fulfill it. That my motto was to make a positive impact on the lives of the others around me. And maybe I can do that. But that impact, however great it is, is ephemeral. Is it worth it then?

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